Hi there! My name's Molly and I'm 18 and starting my first year of college. My mom raised me with a love for makeup and fashion, wearing lipstick and sunglasses by age 2 and learning the term "haute couture" by 4th grade. I have three golden retriever puppies (3, 4, and 6 years old but still puppies in my heart) and I love them more than most people. My favorite color is orange and coincidentally I will be attending Auburn University in the fall! I started "doodleollymissmolly" spring of 2013 and gave it its name because it's a nickname my parents gave me when I was pretty young. It's slowly faded away throughout the years so this is my homage to little me. I'm excited to be able to show you things that I love and my experiences! I'm crazy for color, design, and cutesy little drawings. I've grown up to be really creative and I'm so excited to major in Interior Design.
My dad was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer in 2008 and prostate cancer a few years after. He received a multi-visceral organ transplant (liver, pancreas, small intestine, and stomach) in Miami on August 7, 2013 and I have never been so thankful/had such a huge appreciation for doctors and the whole medical field in general. My dad is one of the strongest people I have ever met and I'm so proud of his journey! While his organs continued to struggle and he kept feeling ill, he brought many people to Christ despite his poor health. I cannot even begin to explain the greatness that is God because He does things i cannot even understand! I'd love to share my story with anyone who wants to hear it!
This is a little peak at my inner workings, maybe you'll pick up on a little more along the way!
xoxo, molly
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